The basics are bold but italics are better.
To begin, bazooka battle 2 is a game that executes the bare minimum of the horizontal shooter mechanics easily, progression from that minimum standard is it's main problem.
A decent looking game Bazooka Battle displays multiple generic army soldiers as the characters involved in game play. There are a variety of weapons although I found that the grenade is rendered as useless later on in the game. Explosions in the game could of been dramatized to accentuate a sense of impact to the player.I felt that the bomb designs were pleasurable to look at and the characters overall did a good job at looking detailed.
Animation in the game could possibly use some improvement although I did immensely like how the enemy attempted to aim their shots before firing, a nice touch that feels realistic.Death animations and delay in death from characters hinders the experience. The background imagery has some great tricks while the camera panned across the field it would show the varies layers although it would be nice if the background held more detail.
The game mechanics worked and I was ultimately pleased that statistics of your performance was tracked and then converted into points which you could then purchase on different weapons :).
A decent game that neither breaks the basics or expands on them. I wouldn't mind a little bit more creativity otherwise good job :)